Melinda Kay Black, DPT, Owner

M. Kay Black PT, DPT opened TheraFit Physical Therapy on November 17, 2003. After working in home health for seven years in the North Alabama area, she recognized a need for outpatient physical therapy center in the Meridianville/Hazel Green area because people were traveling 15 plus miles to the nearest outpatient facility. This distance was a hardship for many of her elderly patients. She credits her final decision to leave her job and pursue private practice to her previous father-in-law and mother-in-law. She said they believed in her work ethic and pursuit to “make people better.” Kay reports God has given her gifts for the love of people and being a good diagnostician-seeing the details that may be causing physical pain outside of the obvious. Kay expanded TheraFit Physical Therapy in 2014 to Fayetteville, TN where she brought another choice for quality physical therapy.

She believes TheraFit’s 15 years of success is first and foremost God’s guidance in her decision even when she was most unsure. Secondly, the long-term wonderful staff, as well as the long-term patients that believed in TherFit’s approach for quality personal care, have also contributed to a great deal of success at TheraFit. Our patient’s testimonials to others have been the best marketing tool we could have asked for over the last 15 years.

Kay is an Army Veteran who served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Her time in service is where she met someone who introduced her to the idea of a career in Physical Therapy. She graduated Cum Laude from Georgia State University in 1996 and received the “Clinical Excellence” award, chosen by her professors and clinical instructors. She completed her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2011 from A.T Still University in Mesa, Arizona.

Kay is the proud mother of two extraordinary daughters. Her eldest, Savannah attends Troy University and is a first-year nursing student. Her youngest, Michaela, nicknamed Lulu, is a pre-nursing student at the University of Alabama. Kay attends St. Mary’s of Visitation Catholic Church and an avid participate along with her daughters at The Church of the Highlands. Kay and her daughters are formers triathletes. Kay, her girls, and her fellow therapists at TheraFit all are role models for others that are in pursuit of achieving an active, healthy lifestyle.